How should I start: FUN! A lot of fun!...yeah...I can see you now wondering - what the hell?!?!?! She has her exams in few how come is she so happy and what fun does it make to study for finals...well, in principle you are rigth...but! we had to finalize our project in DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) and we again met at my dormitory....yeah, just to make all the other guys envy on my big room, nice mates and clean kitchen....hahahah...just joking!
I would keep it short...we did our stuff in the project, it did take a lot of time again but as the end result is pretty good (in my opinion at least) we are all pround of what we managed to the design...for the people not having any idea what we are talking about: a small screen device for domestic space - having the fancy name: IDEFIX! Huray! and what we did was - design the UI in horizontal and vertical depth!...We needed to test the device with users so we just asked my room mates - Juana and Eva. They both were very nice to help us and made the experiment. Unfortunately, as our tutor said, you would be surprised how people not knowing your system or who do not have the designer-engineering way of thinking would misunderstand what states your application has, how it works or what would follow after the interaction. It occured quite often and in situations we would have never thought about. Finally, we discussed also our presentation - again it´ll be a loooot of fuuuuuuuunnn! But I won´t share any details - I´m superstitious.
Afterwards, Norbert wanted to make us familiar with the "raclette" dish - sort of melted cheese. I think that was great idea! He brought some food, cheese in first place, and the Raclette grill - kind of a pan and a grill. At that point I thought - it is now the time to present them what is most famous from our Bulgarian cuisine. I wasn´t prepared but nevertheless I offered "Sushenitza", white and yellow cow cheese as well as sheep cheese and of course - colored salt. We enjoyed the dinner and in fact - our unplanned small party. Sitting, chatting, laughing, doing strange stuff and so on. As dessert we had again something from France. Sort of a sweet cake or pie, called "galette des Rois". Fifi (:P - privacy issue) got the Fève (a porzellan piece inside the cake) - so following the tradiotion he became our king. Huray again!
But we also danced a bit - not really like partying...just we showed typical Bulgarian dances like "elenino horo", "dunavsko horo", "byala roza"...than everybody presented some strange / funny / crazy dance that he/she knows.. together we even did the Macarena...the nicest one I think was the AIESEC dance - great one!!!!!! I wanna see how people being drunk can dance this! It would be fun to watch!
Oooo, it was really amazing time guys! As I said - we really have to do it again! BUT after the finals! Wish ya luck!
I now have to go to bed! It´s really high time to do sooooo...Good night!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Денят на голямата промяна
Днес е петък, а това означава, че е ден за шетане - като почнете от чистенето, миенето, прането, та стигнете до седмичния пазар...мммда....но днес освен това направих и някои промени в квартирата...отдавна се канех и реших, че днес е крайно време...защото в идващите седмици ще съм си затворник в собствената стая и е важно да имам подходящите условия. Т.е. да направя така, че минимално да се разконцентрирам. А това според нашата менторка на семинара по Zeitmanagement значи само едно: бюрото да не е пред прозореца, за да не се окаже, че по-често блеем навън и мечтаем...за слънчево време над Бон например...много тематично, предвид че от дни или седмици, ако не ме лъже паметта, не съм видяла и един слънчев лъч!....добре, че си имам една слънчева картичка от моите мили приятели, че тя да ме грее и да ми радва душата....хахаха...ех, приятели, живи да сте!
Нов обитател в квартирата
За мен е чест да ви представя новия обитател в моята квартира - мишокът Лоджитех! Х..хх...ххх...ххххх...(Аххххмед!!!!...малко лирично отклонение и поздрав за почитателите му) хахаха...това е последната ми придобивка и съм невероятно доволна! Logitech Wireless Mouse M505, laser precision! А както се вижда от снимковия материал - няма досадно USB, което да стърчи и да се чуди човек как да го заобикаля...даже не е нужно да го махате, когато пренасяте лаптопа напред назад! Практично, нали?
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